Peru Balsam Oil Extra

Peru Balsam Oil Extra
Botanical Name: Myroxylon Pereirae
Country of Origin: France
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
CAS No:8007-00-9
Flash Point: >100 degrees C
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Peru Balsam is a pathological product which exudes from the truck of the large Central American tree Myroxylon pereirae, when the bark is removed section wise from the tree. Peru balsam is a dark brown, viscous but pourable liquid.

The odor is the typical 'balsamic' one: rich, sweet, cinnamic-benzoic, soft and very tenacious, showing an increasing vanillin like note on drying out.

Note: the balsam does not truly 'dry out' when exposed to air.

A true natural resinous balsam. Contains high esters of benzoic and cinnamic acids.

External use ONLY.
May cause sensitization by skin contact.
Do not use undiluted on the skin.
Keep away from children & pets.
Store away from heat and light.

Ref: S. Arctander - Perfume & Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

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