Sweet Dreams Diffuser Blend

Sweet Dreams Diffuser Blend
Lavender, Marjoram, Lemon Organic

Cozy in bed, drifting off into the twilight of sweet dreams.
Relaxes and calms the mind after a long day.

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Radiance Diffuser Blend
View Bergamot (O), Lemon (O), Grapefruit (O),
Clary sage and Cedarwood

Radiance Diffuser blend will bring sunshine into your world.

30 ml $42.40 is now on
SPECIAL: $31.80 (25% discount)
(retail item only)

15 ml $25.20 is now on
Special : $18.90 (25% discount)
(Retail Item only)

10 ml $19.40 is now on
Special: $14.55 (25% discount)
(Retail item only)

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