The state of health of each Chakra directly affects the physical body. Each major Chakra is associated with important organs within the physical body, relating to the body's health and well being.
Healthy Chakras are referred to as "clear" and "balanced". They help us to maintain our sense of harmony and clear direction in life. We are dependent on free-flowing and unblocked energy through our bodies to remain healthy.
When we are stressed, worried, or unhappy, or live in doubt or fear, even a little bit, we can disturb the free flowing energy and the body will eventually carry this burden.
When a Chakra is blocked, clogged or out of balance, it affects our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. That is why it is so important to change our thought processes and make shifts in our lifestyle. It is then through the result of these changes that we are healing the Chakras and truly transforming our energy flow and our lives.
The Root (or base) Chakra
The first and most important Chakra of the system when dealing with healing work. The key word here is courage. The teaching of the Root Chakra is the opportunity of choice. The courage to make the right choices. Do you stay a "victim" controlled by the beliefs/perceptions of your past? Or, do you follow your own "inner voice" and create your own destiny and soul's purpose? Freedom is the "gift" of this center, the gift to choose and the courage to make the right choices. It activates and strengthens the will (for example: the will to live, to survive, to manifest), assists one in living on the physical plane, and stimulates the life sustaining energies.
- Location: Base of Spine in the area of the lumbar
- Element: Earth
- Energy: Warrior
- Key Word: Courage
- Color: Red: representing the essential, idealistic and confident passion for life
- Essential Oils: Vetiver, Angelica, Black pepper, Ginger, Frankincense, Lavender
When the first chakra is disconnected from the feminine Earth, we can feel orphaned and motherless. The masculine principle predominates, and we look for security from material things. Individuality prevails over relationship, and selfish drives triumph over family, social and global responsibility.
-Alberto Villoldo
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra (second Chakra) is the center of our creativity, desire, emotion, sexuality, and intuition. This is where we learn how to give and receive pleasure. It stimulates the life force, forces required for existence on the physical plane and the bases of life itself.
The Sacral Chakra has been known as the pathway to health. The keyword here is Create! Where we plant our seeds of creativity and we enjoy the pleasures, which this creativity brings. The spiritual gift is manifesting one's passion.
The power of this center is the balance between male and female with oneself. Knowing that not only do you have a vision (female), but that you can also manifest in the physical plane (male).
- Location: the area 1" to 2" below the navel
- Element: Fire
- Energy: Warrior
- Key Word: Create
- Color: Orange: representing wisdom, equity, creativity and benevolence to all
- Essential Oils: Jasmine, Patchouli, Ylang-Ylang, Tangerine, Bergamot, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Nutmeg, Oakmoss
Choose the essential oil, which will help balance, the male/female energies. (Yin and yang). Oils that will help draw out the creative essence.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra (third Chakra) is the center of personal power, ambition, intellect, astral force, desire and emotions based on intellect and touch. The keyword is Manifest. Self worth, self-esteem and self confidence are the building blocks and foundation of the solar plexus. This Chakra contains a protective energy, protecting against any negativity which is contained within any of the other Chakras. If one does not have a strong sense of self worth and understanding the divinity within, self expression will never truly manifest to its full potential and goals may be reached, but never with a sense of fulfillment and completeness.
- Location: below the breastbone and behind the stomach
- Element: Air
- Energy: Healer
- Key Word: Manifest
- Color: Yellow: representing meditative analytical thought and intellectual activity
- Essential Oils: Juniper, Basil, Ginger, Lemon, Vetiver
Choose the essential oils, which will help to strengthen and keep this center protected. The center is extremely sensitive to the energy influences of others. Blends for enhancing self-worth, personal power and emotional releasing.
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra (fourth Chakra) is the center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spiritually associated with "oneness" with "All that is". It is the center where we hold the image of our divine self. The center where earth energy and sky energy unite. Keyword is Joy! Within this center is the seed to divine healing and is the gift of this energy center. When this center is in balance, it is the place where your highest self resides. I am worthy of love and being loved.
- Location: center of the chest at heart level
- Element: Water
- Energy: Healer
- Key Word: Joy
- Color: Pink: representing softness in strength, compassion, empathy and unconditional love to all that exists
Green: representing soothing, smoothing, healing, ecstasy, and a joyful and fulfilling anticipation
- Essential Oils: Lavender, Rose, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Bergamot
Choose the essential oil, which will help keep the heart area open and receptive to receiving and giving love.
The Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra (fifth Chakra) is the center of communication, sound and expression of creativity via thought, speech and writing. It is the communication center, acting to provide the energy for, and the understanding of both verbal and mental communications. The keyword is Truth. This is where we proclaim who we are and stand up for ourselves. The gift of this center is the ability to speak and ask for what you want. Our creative desires and aspirations are given birth through the breath and the power of the spoken word. Use words wisely for what we ask for we will receive.
- Location: at the neck
- Element: Ether
- Energy: Teacher
- Key Word: Truth
- Color: Blue: repressing the knowledge of and oneness with the Divine guidance
- Essential Oils: Chamomile (blue), Hyssop, Lavender, Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemon
Choose the essential oil, which will help open communication skills and release stuffed unexpressed emotions that may be trapped.
The Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra (sixth Chakra) is also known as the Brow Chakra. It is the center of physic power, higher intuition, the energies of the spirit, magnetic forces and light. This center is about Divine Thought, balanced intuition and intellect. The place of dreams, visions and imagination. The keyword is Vision. The gift here is trusting the intuitive wisdom and allowing the intellect to show you how to manifest that wisdom. It also assists in the purification of negative tendencies and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. To know is to be.
- Location: middle of forehead, above the eyebrows
- Element: Light
- Energy: Visionary
- Key Word: Vision
- Color: Indigo Blue: representing the attainment, the search, and those who search for the spiritual purpose of life
- Essential Oils: Frankincense, Chamomile Blue, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Cypress
Choose the essential oil, which will help open and activate balance both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, to help stimulate intuitive thinking and release rigid, judgmental thoughts.
The Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra (seventh Chakra) is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. The keyword is Inspiration. It is here that we have a higher glimpse of our role and our destiny. It is here that we learn to trust the inner voice which we hear. This Chakra is the connecting link to our highest and finest self.
It enables us to see the truth concerning illusory ideals, pride and vanity.
- Location: the crown of the head
- Element: Air
- Energy: Visionary
- Key Word: Inspiration
- Color: Violet: representing royalty in enlightenment and the search and attainment of the true meanings of spiritually, life and existence
Golden-White: representing the state of perfection in body, mind, emotions and spiritually
- Essential Oils: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Spikenard, Myrrh
Choose the essential oil, which will help to facilitate the connection between heaven and earth.