Hibawood WC

Hibawood WC
Country of Origin: Japan
Botanical Name: Thujopsis dolabrata
Method of Cultivation: Wild Crafted
Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
Plant Material Used: from the chips of the wood
CAS No: 91722-39-3
Flash Point: 110 degrees C
Color: yellowish to brownish amber color.
Odor: somewhat liquid of dry, woody scent with a peculiar sharp or pungent undertone.
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The ketone free oil fraction is used in Japan as a cedarwood oil in soap perfumes, detergent perfumes and industrial perfumes.
Avoid during pregnancy & breastfeeding.
External use ONLY.
Do NOT use undiluted on the skin.
Keep away from children & pets.
Store away from heat & light.
Ref: Arctander, Steffen - Perfume & Flavor Materials of Natural Origin
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