Note: Both the Balsam and essential oil have many traditional medicinal uses.
Copaiba balsam is a sap-like substance (oleoresin) collected from the trunk of trees that belong to the Copaifera species. Copaiba balsam is processed to make copaiba oil. Both copaiba balsam and copaiba oil are used to make medicine.
- In foods and beverages, copaiba balsam is used as an ingredient.
- In manufacturing, copaiba balsam and copaiba oil are used in soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes.
- In pharmaceutical preparations, both copaiba balsam and copaiba oil are used in cough medicines and diuretics.
External use ONLY.
Do NOT use undiluted on the skin.
Store away from children & pets.
No known hazards.
Robert Tisserand - Essential Oil Safety - pg 259
No recommended products at the moment.