- ASNY - Acupuncture Society of NY - Promoting the growth and preserving the integrity of the acupuncture profession in New York since 1990.
- AGORA - Aromatherapy Global Online Research Archives - A unique non-commerical website. The contributors are from around the globe, working to promote the serious, intelligent & SAFE USE of essential oils for healing the body, mind & spirit.
- Aromatic Plant Project - a non-profit educational organization to support American Agriculture and natural products.
- The Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild, Inc. (HSMG) - Join the only international non-profit professional trade organization for makers of handcrafted soap!
- IFRA - International Fragrance Association - A very informative site that applies to the manufacturing and handling of fragrance materials. A voluntary code of practice governing the use of aroma materials in perfumery can be viewed at this site.
- International Advocates for Health Freedom - This site is designed to foster networking between health freedom activisits.
- Medscape - a great source of information on current medical, herbal, alternative medicine.
- Reflexology Association of America
- Purdue University - A planning scheme to evaluate new aromatic plants.
- Organic Consumers Association ~ Campaigning for Food Safety, Organic Agriculture, Fair Trade & Sustainability. An excellent site for up to date happenings.
Sites of Interest
- Breast Cancer Action - Cancer Action has a reputation for responding truthfully and fearlessly to critical issues in the breast cancer movement. Get the latest news and analysis on important breast cancer issues and our cutting-edge advocacy work.
- Copper Stills
- Earth Dreams - These paintings reflect my journeys along the medicine path. I have learned through my Native American studies much about life. Using the medicine Wheel as a guide for life's lessons, I strive to balance the whole.
- Insight Metaphysical Books - They are an actual bookstore, having been in operation since 1986. 'We are here for the long- term'. Understanding the needs of the metaphysical community, and they are eager to answer questions or find sources of information to meet your needs. They will tell you if they have a used copy of the item you seek, in case you wish to save half or more on the retail price.
- Japanese Incense - a site dedicated to the art of Japanese incense making.
- Joseph Campbell and the Myth of the Hero - The Hero's Journey of Myth, also called the Monomyth, is a template or a pattern of story that is repeated in all cultures though history. From Aboriginal Elders telling stories around a fire to Star Wars and Harry Potter, the Hero's Journey resonates deeply.
- Newest information from by Martin Watt
- PubMed - PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources
- Smell Turns Up in Unexpected Places -
- Support The Golden Rule
- Saponifier Magazine - Do you make soap or bath & body products? How about candles? You need to subscribe to the Saponifier! This bi-monthly publication will give you the inspiration and knowledge to take yourself where you want to go.